Special Issue on “(R)evolution of Educational Technologies”

+++Submission Deadline: 30. November 2024

Call for Participation

(R)evolution of Educational Technologies

Special Issue to be published in the i-com Journal of Interactive media, ISSN: 1618-162X, E-ISSN: 2196-6826, beginning or mid of 2026

Issue Editor(s): Jörg Haake, Clara Schumacher, Johannes Konert (siret2025@easychair.org)

Review Board: Editors and management board of SIG Educational Technologies (Fachgruppe Bildungstechnologien) of German Chapter of IFIP (GI e.V.)

Educational technologies have always been based on then current pedagogical theory and practice, and have triggered or contributed to changes in pedagogical theory and practice, more than once in an unforeseen manner and consequences. 

Then they can be seen as a disruptive (r)evolution; as a boost for efficiency or effectiveness of educational practice or unveiling disastrous effects. Examples of the past may start with oral and behavioral communication of knowledge, use of tools such as surfaces that can be written on (e.g., cave walls, paper, chalkboard, electronic whiteboards), and tools supporting the learning and teaching process (e.g., illustrations and exercises with explanations printed on paper, slides, overhead foils; programmed instructions using books or software-based assistance; language learning and training environments; specialized (digital) learning or assessment environments; general learning management systems; AI-based (tutoring) software agents), etc.. 

Such (r)evolutions had the power to influence pedagogical theory and practice, such as the rise of self-regulated learning approaches, when student-centered learning became available by using learning management systems or recent AIs with large language models as source of material and instructions to be used for individual learning by the students. With the distribution of computer-based communication and collaboration tools in our everyday and business life, collaborative learning in formal and informal learning settings may become more important in the future.

The planned special issue aims to present the current state of the art of educational technologies, identify important current research questions and their current status, and elaborate future work, opportunities and challenges in educational technologies on the basis of a careful review of the origins. In other words, the contributions submitted should shed light on the past, present and future of educational technologies in the focused subject area. To achieve this, the following process for creating the contributions includes author networking within the framework of a workshop.

Submission process:

  1. November 30, 2024: Deadline for submission of extended abstracts in English consisting of a first page containing anticipated title, interested authors with e-mail addresses, abstract of max. 300 words and up to 10 keywords followed by, at maximum, 3 pages containing the proposed content of the article at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=siret2025 . The 3 pages should cover a short summary of the state of the art, the current relevant open research questions to be discussed in the paper together with the anticipated current status, progress or intermediate results, and an outlook on future work, opportunities and challenges in educational technologies regarding the paper’s highlighted research questions. The research questions are not expected to be (completely) answered by the envisioned article, but rather framed with a sound discussion of past, present status and future work.
  2. Submitted abstracts are peer-reviewed single-blind and authors selected for contributing to the special issue are expected to participate in a workshop held via Zoom in February 2025. In the workshop, participants will present and discuss their ideas in working groups. The workshop aims to sharpen the focus of the articles and may bring authors together for writing joint articles. Afterwards, authors will finish full papers to be submitted for the special issue.
  3. The articles in English language should be 1.500-5.000 words (this maximum may be extended up to 10.000 words in case reviewers’ comments justify this need for more space). Article’s focus is expected to be more on courageous ‘informed visions’ and less on ‘excessive literary work’. The chosen outlook should be 10, 25 or 50 years into the future. Articles must follow i-com formatting guidelines.
  • Submitted articles will be peer-reviewed double-blind. Accepted papers should be updated reflecting reviewer comments. Final acceptance decisions are made by the editors based on the final version of the articles.
  • After acceptance, final articles must be uploaded by the authors to the i-com journal for publishing. The special issue is planned to be Golden Open Access. Thus, article processing fees apply for accepted authors (currently 750,00 EUR per article). In case this prevents your submission, please contact editors for possible sponsoring.

Special Issue website: https://i-com-journal.org/special-issue-on-revolution-of-educational-technologies/ , contact issue editors by email to siret2025@easychair.org

Planned Timeline:

  • 30.11.2024: Deadline for submission of abstracts via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=siret2025
  • 18.12.2024: Invitation for contribution and coordination of workshop day
  • Mid/end February: Online-Workshop using Zoom (1 day)
  • 16.08.2025: Deadline for submission of finished articles via easychair
  • 31.10.2025: Reviewer feedback sent to authors
  • 14.02.2026: Submission of camera-ready versions to i-com
  • End of March 2026: Publication of special issue (i-com)