i-com is an international scientific journal that is devoted to different topics around Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Since Volume 23 (2023) i-com is a Full/Golden Open Access journal – listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) – https://doaj.org/toc/2196-6826
The journal is supported by the special interest group on “Human-Computer Interaction” (FB MCI) at the German Association for Informatics (GI). We publish “classical” research articles but also work covering (design) case studies and work with a strong practice orientation.

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i-com 2024/2

i-com 2021/3
20 years of i-com – what has become of the topics in the first issues?

On this website we provide calls for articles for future special issues of i-com and an archive of already published (special) issues of i-com. For additional information and for information on how to submit your work to i-com see the publishers homepage of i-com or the i-com page in the website of FB MCI.
The first volume of i-com has been published in 2001. Since Volume 23 (2023) i-com is published as a Golden Open Access journal. The volumes before 2023 are available for free at the publishers website or in the GI Digital Library.
Selected Metrics
- Scopus Cite Score (2023): 3.7
- CiteScoreTracker 2023: 3.7 (5.4.2024)
- SCImago Journal Rank (2022): 0.431
- Scopus Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) (2022): 0.629
Most Cited Articles (SCOPUS) 2019 – 2023
- Holzinger A. (2020): “Explainable AI and Multi-Modal Causality in Medicine”, i-com 19(3)
- Riegler, A. et al. (2019): “Augmented Reality Windshield Displays and Their Potential to Enhance User Experience in Automated Driving”, i-com 18(2)
- Zimmermann, V. et al. (2019): “Assessing Users’ Privacy and Security Concerns of Smart Home Technologies”, i-com 18(3)
- Riegler, A.; Riener, A.; Holzmann, C. (2021): “Augmented Reality for Future Mobility: Insights from a Literature Review and HCI Workshop”, i-com 20(3)
- Buchholz, F.; Oppermann, L.; Prinz, W. (2022): “There’s more than one metaverse”, i-com 21(3)
- Brandi, M.-L. et al. (2019): “The Interactive Self – A Review on Simulating Social Interactions to Understand the Mechanisms of Social Agency”, i-com 18(1)